DPNR Staff


Hilary Lohmann, Coastal Resilience Coordinator

Phone: (340) 773-1082 E-mail:

role of DPNR Staff

  • Work with the consultant team to make sure the project is running on budget, on time, and on scope.

  • Manage communications between the consultant team and the working groups.

  • Manage communications with the public.

  • Work with other USVI offices, elected leaders, community groups, boards, and commissions to make sure we have all the information we need. Also make sure that all these stakeholders are committed to implementing the plan when it’s adopted.

  • Coordinate logistics for public engagement (finding meeting venues, etc.).

  • Assist with staffing public events.

  • Work with implementors to make sure actions are completed.

  • Present a complete draft to the Legislature and guide it through to adoption.

Consultant Team

The consultant team was selected by DPNR through a competitive, public RFP process.

Consulting Firms Working on the Project

Horsley Witten Group - Lead Consultant

Camoin Associates - Economic Development

Dover, Kohl & Partners - Community Design

Cruxian Heritage and Natural Tourism (CHANT) - Heritage and Culture

Jaredian Design Group - Community Design and Planning

NT Media Productions - Media and Communications

St. John Heritage Collective - Heritage, Culture, and Design

role of the Consultant Team

The consultant team is led by the Horsley Witten Group (HW), a planning, engineering, and environmental science firm based in New England. The team also includes subconsultants, based both in the Territory and on the mainland, specializing in USVI history, culture, and design; economic development; community design; public outreach and communications; and more.

The role of the consultant team includes:

  • First and foremost, to serve the USVI. Its role is to help capture the needs and ideas of our communities and translate that into a plan.

  • Compile data and research and prepare, write, and design the Comp Plan.

  • Listen to staff, the working groups, and the public, and learn as much about the USVI as possible.

  • Based on experience with other communities, advise staff and the working groups about common pitfalls or mistakes that could occur if certain ideas are pursued.

  • Report on successful practices in other communities that may be applicable to the USVI.

  • Provide options and guidance for ways to address the issues brought up by the community.

  • Provide technical expertise on topics like environmental protection, transportation, economic development, housing, etc.