What is the USVI Comp Plan?

A Comp Plan is a shared vision for the future of the USVI’s land and water and serves as a roadmap to guide how we stay on track to achieve our goals. The Comp Plan will be the basis for updating the way development is reviewed and permitted in the USVI, with a goal of improved balance between development needs and conservation of natural resources.

The Comp Plan is a tool that can be used frequently by Territory leaders, staff, boards, and committees to make decisions about:

  • What new development, both public and private, looks like and where it happens.

  • How USVI coastal waters can be used and for what purposes.

  • How each island can protect environmentally sensitive areas, waters, coastlines, and historic sites.

  • Prioritizing future investments in community services and infrastructure that promote fairness and equity across the islands.

  • How to make sure there are opportunities for all residents to have a voice in the land and water use decision making process moving forward.

  • More sustainable local business and tourism development

The Comp Plan by itself is a guiding document. New or updated laws, rules, and regulations consistent with the Comp Plan will need to be passed by the Legislature or adopted by departments and agencies.

Its most important goal is to protect and enhance the resources in the USVI that make it a great place to live, both for today’s residents and future generations.

Why should the USVI have a Comp Plan?

It is the Law

In 1970, the Legislature passed Act 2774, which requires the preparation and maintenance of a long-term comprehensive plan for the physical, social, and economic development of the Virgin Islands which can serve for all departments and agencies. Further, the Governor's Reorganization and Consolidation Act of 1987 mandates that DPNR prepare and maintain such a plan.

It Guides the USVI’s Development Review and Permitting Process

The Comp Plan will be the basis for updating the way land development and coastal water uses are reviewed and permitted in the USVI, with a goal of truly balancing development needs with conservation of natural resources.

  • The USVI’s zoning regulations are now over 50 years old and do not reflect the future that most Virgin Islanders want to see. The Comp Plan will provide the framework for a comprehensive overhaul of the zoning regulations.

  • Currently, there are often conflicts among the different uses of the USVI’s coastal waters, from commercial fishing and water-based industries, to recreational fishing, boating, and diving, to conservation and protection. The Comp Plan will provide a framework for deciding which waters can best accommodate which uses.

  • Sometimes development is approved that might be harmful to the environment or a strain on infrastructure like roads and water service. The Comp Plan will provide a framework for future development that avoids harmful effects to the environment and public infrastructure.

  • The permitting process can be confusing and time consuming, despite the best efforts of staff to walk applicants through the process. The Comp Plan will provide a clear, consistent permitting process that is easy to understand and enforce.

It Helps Us Change What Needs to be Fixed

The USVI has undergone a great deal of change in the past decades, some for the better and some for the worse. The Comp Plan can help manage changes related to:

  • Degradation of our land and water

  • Rapid development of land and coastal areas

  • Changes in land use

  • Loss of environmentally sensitive areas and open space

  • Increased traffic congestion

  • Rising costs of housing and other expenses

  • And more

It Protects What We Love About Our Home

The Comp Plan identifies the things that we love about the U.S. Virgin Islands that should be protected, enhanced, and celebrated, so that we don’t lose the things that make us who we are. From our beautiful natural landscapes and waters, to our historic buildings and sites, to our shared and varied culture and ways we live together, the Comp Plan is a public statement about what is most important.

It Prepares for the Future

The USVI wants to be a place that prepares for the future, spends public dollars efficiently and effectively, and creates strong communities for the next generation. The Comp Plan shows what projects and ideas are local priorities (which makes it easier for the Territory to apply for grants and financing), helps attract private investment and new businesses, and responds to the needs and wants of our residents. It also ensures that government policies and regulations support this shared vision.

What will the CLWUP NOT do?

There has been a great deal of discussion in the media and among local elected officials about the Comp Plan in the past year. It is exciting that the public is getting excited about the potential for this plan. However, it is important to note that while a good plan can address all the things described above, it is only one piece of the puzzle. The Comp Plan, by itself, cannot fix everything. Here are a few things the Comp Plan does NOT do:

Day-to-day things we need fixed right away.

We know that people care a great deal about their day-to-day needs. Is your trash being collected on time? Are potholes being filled? Are parks being maintained? The Comp Plan process is not designed to directly address these day-to-day concerns. The Comp Plan CAN look at long-term solutions for these issues. For example, the Comp Plan won’t fix a particular pothole, but it CAN suggest that the Territory government establish a system for identifying funds and prioritizing resources, to fix potholes across the Territory in an efficient manner.

Laws, Rules, and Regulations

The Comp Plan by itself is a guiding document. New or updated laws, rules, and regulations consistent with the Comp Plan will need to be passed by the Legislature or adopted by departments and agencies. For example, the zoning regulations will likely need to be updated, possibly adding coastal zones to manage coastal water use, to be consistent with the Comp Plan. The Comp Plan will have guidance and policies for officials, departments, and agencies responsible for plan implementation. However, ultimately, implementation relies on resources, ongoing deliberation, and political will.

Funding and Budgeting

The Comp Plan by itself does not serve as a capital budget or source of funding. Again, the Comp Plan should guide budgeting decisions and help secure funding and financing for implementation projects.